Touchstone Heating & Air Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Maintenance’

Why You Should Schedule AC Maintenance as Soon as Possible

Monday, February 27th, 2017

Florida doesn’t exactly experience seasons the way most of the country does, but there are still some commonalities in how we cope with the climate. One of those commonalities is spring air conditioning maintenance. The winter is giving way to a warm spring and summer, which likely means increased demand on your air conditioner. If you want to make sure you’re prepared for the hot summer, schedule preventive maintenance for your air conditioning system as soon as possible.

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5 Ways You Can Cut Cooling Costs this Summer

Monday, June 20th, 2016

Every homeowner wants to reduce cost. And without too much additional effort, you can reduce your energy consumption, save money on your utility bills, and also improve your overall comfort. Let’s jump right in. Here are the 5 ways that you cut costs this summer! 

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How Spring Air Conditioning Maintenance Can Benefit You

Monday, February 29th, 2016

In order to function effectively and efficiently throughout its life cycle, an air conditioner’s components require regular maintenance. A lack of maintenance can lead to costly repairs and a decline in performance. With the cooling season already upon us in MacClenny, FL, now is the time to schedule your maintenance appointment if you haven’t done so in the last year.

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Why Spring Air Conditioning Maintenance is so Important

Monday, May 18th, 2015

Most homeowners would call for air conditioning repairs as soon as they noticed a problem with the system. That’s all well and good, but what about problems that don’t have obvious symptoms? If you’re really interested in keeping your air conditioning system in the best possible condition, it’s a good idea to schedule preventive maintenance at least once a year. Read on to find out more about the benefits of preventive maintenance, and why you should schedule yours this spring.

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Is It Too Late for Air Conditioning Maintenance

Friday, June 13th, 2014

Air conditioning maintenance is a sort of tune-up session, designed to spot potential problems before they get out of hand and perform a lot of little things that help improve efficiency in your system. Most experts recommend having a maintenance session performed at least once a year, ideally in the spring before summer starts. But summer is here and with our heat and humidity rising, a maintenance session may force you to shut down your air conditioning system at a point when it’s needed almost every day. Is it too late for air conditioning maintenance in Jacksonville FL? Should you schedule a session now or wait until the fall when you don’t need your system as often?

In point of fact, it’s never too late – or too early – to schedule a session. While you should ideally get to it earlier in the spring, we all know how life has a way of prioritizing work and family issues. Just because the summer is here, that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from immediate maintenance service. How? In two distinct ways:

1)      Lowering monthly bills. Maintenance sessions clean direct and dust off of the interior components, as well as recharging refrigerant and replacing used filters. All of that helps the air conditioner function more efficiently, and use less energy to cool your home. The longer you wait, the more you’ll feel the pinch on those monthly bills. A maintenance session will help cut into those bills, and scheduling in June means seeing the savings as early as July. With lots of summer left to go, the savings could help pay for the cost of the session itself.

2)      Preventing bigger repairs. More importantly, a maintenance session can help you stop big repairs before they get started, ensuring that you can rest a little easier during the remainder of the summer.

Give us a call today to make an appointment and lets us help you save money and energy this summer!

The experts at  Touchstone Heating and Air Inc. know that it’s never too late for air conditioning maintenance in Jacksonville, and we have the skills you ned to ensure that the job is done right.

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AC Question: Why Is Air Conditioning Maintenance So Important?

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

Are you fully satisfied by the performance of your AC? Do you feel like you pay too much to stay cool and comfortable during the summer months? If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to ensure that your Lake City, FL home’s AC remains in good shape for the years to come, then you should probably consider air conditioning maintenance. Unfortunately, many homeowners stop at professional installation, because they assume that once integrated into the home, the AC can then be forgotten about and left to its own devices. Nothing could be further from the truth. While professional installation is a necessary ingredient to a successful, energy efficient air conditioning system, it needs to be looked after on a regular basis by an AC technician. Call Touchstone Heating & Air if you need air conditioning maintenance.

During maintenance visits, your local technician will closely inspect your system, taking into consideration its performance, cleanliness, voltage, and refrigerant levels, among others. Any lurking problems can also be brought to your attention so that you can fix them before they become major, costly repairs or replacements. Your technician will also perform a comprehensive cleaning of your system to make sure that dirt, dust, and debris are removed from the system. Let’s take a look at a few of the reasons why air conditioning maintenance is important:

  • Performance: You need to make sure that your AC performs well throughout the summer, no matter how hot or humid it may get. But it cannot reach its cooling potential if it is dirty or parts are malfunctioning.
  • Energy efficiency: Your energy costs are probably high enough as it is, so you need to make sure that your AC is operating efficiently at all times. Maintenance not only ensures solid performance, but also boosts your energy efficiency.
  • Reliability: One of the greatest benefits of regular maintenance is that your AC will be as reliable as it was designed to be. It’s a great way to minimize repair needs and extend system longevity.

Call Touchstone Heating & Air today for comprehensive air conditioning services in Lake City, FL.

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