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Touchstone Heating & Air Inc. Blog

Yes, Your Heat Pump Needs Maintenance in Fall as Well

air-conditioner-replacementWe often remind our customers that HVAC maintenance is important around the year. It’s easy to understand why air conditioning in Gainesville, FL needs a good tune-up and inspection in spring to prepare for another sweltering summer. And it’s easy to forget that heating systems must have the same service in fall to prepare a mild, but often surprising, winter. But it’s heat pumps that cause the most confusion among homeowners when it comes to maintenance.

If you have a heat pump to provide comfort for your house, you already know the benefit of how it works: great cooling for most of the year, but it becomes an efficient heater whenever those colder days come around. But because a heat pump is a single system, you might think it only needs to receive professional maintenance once a year. This isn’t true. Your heat pump requires two maintenance visits annually: one in spring, one in fall.

The Dual Job of the Heat Pump Means Dual Maintenance Visits

Here is the key fact about heat pumps that makes biannual maintenance a necessity: they are “double” systems packaged into a single unit, but a single system that uses the same components and same process to provide either heating or cooling. This means a heat pump’s parts do twice as much work as a standalone air conditioner or furnace.

An AC needs maintenance before it does the biggest share of its work in summer, after which it runs less often. A heater needs maintenance before the cooler weather arrives, and it won’t come on much at all the rest of the year. But a heat pump works all around the year, and therefore must have maintenance to match.

A Heat Pump Has Enormous Strain After the Middle of the Year

Here’s another way to visualize why fall maintenance is essential for a heat pump. The heat pump has just gone through a stressful middle of the year dealing with intense Florida summer weather. The components accumulate a great deal of wear and tear: the moving parts of the motors, the reversing valve, the compressor. The indoor and outdoor coil pick up dust, dirt, and grime. Refrigerant may have started leaking without you noticing it. Capacitors may be near to failing because of the heat.

All of these issues are taken care of during maintenance. You want to head into the rest of the year, when the heat pump will operate in heating mode as well as switch back to cooling mode, confident your comfort system is in decent shape.

Schedule Heat Pump Maintenance Now

November is a great time to get a jump on heating maintenance. We offer an Energy Saving Agreement to handle maintenance needs for your heat pump around the year. Thanks to our diligent work, you can expect to reduce annual heating and cooling costs by up to $200 and add 1 to 8 years of life onto the system. It also increases the capacity of the system by 25%. We offer bonuses as well, such as a 20% discount on repairs and priority customer service.

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