Touchstone Heating & Air Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Reducing Energy Costs’

Air Conditioning: Reducing Energy Costs

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

Did you look over your air conditioning bills after a muggy Florida summer and wonder what you could’ve done to lower them? Touchstone Heating & Air has some good advice on what you can do to get those AC electric bills down and keep them down. When it comes to air conditioning in Gainesville, FL, trust our experienced team to help you get the most from your system.

A very simple step you can take to use less power with your AC is to make more use of the “fan only” mode. Some people don’t realize that this mode uses significantly less power than when the unit is set to cooling. With the air conditioner set to “fan only,” no power goes to the compressor that sends refrigerant through the system. Although you won’t get cooled air from your vents, you will get excellent air circulation to provide you with relief from stagnant air.

Try to avoid the temptation to crank your AC to its coldest setting. According to the EPA, if you raise your thermostat a mere six degrees from 72° to 78°, you can save up to 18% on your electricity bill each year. Most people will find 78° comfortable no matter the weather outside. Stabilize your daytime use at this temperature, and then take advantage of the cool evening temperature to raise it further or to shut it off and you should see a positive effect on your monthly power bills.

Finally, have a professional complete preventive maintenance on your air conditioner to make sure that it operates efficiently. Dirt building up inside the case, overworked motors, poor connections, and refrigerant leaks will all lead to an AC that sucks up more energy than it should. The better your AC runs, the less power it will waste. Plan to get check-ups twice a year for your air conditioner. The fall is a good time to start, since technicians will have more open schedules.

Touchstone Heating & Air takes pride in making customer satisfaction our top priority. Your air conditioning in Gainesville, FL is in good hands when you call on us.

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