Touchstone Heating & Air Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating Repair’

When Is It Time to Stop Repairs and Get a New Home Heating System?

Monday, November 30th, 2020

home-basement-furnaceWhen winters are freezing cold and having a heating system is a basic part of survival, the question of when to get a new heater is an urgent one that people tend to think about long before the blizzards strike. Obviously, we don’t have the same kind of problem here in North Central Florida, where our winters are mild. But in ways, this makes the question about whether to replace a heater or keep repairing it trickier. No matter how often you use your heater, at some point, you’ll need to retire it because continuing with repairs is more costly.

We’re going to look into the “heating replacement vs. heating repair” in Lacrosse, FL question. You don’t have to make the final decision alone—call us and we’ll give you the expert advice you need, as well as whatever service is best for your future heating.

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A Few Best Practices for Saving Money With Heating In Florida

Monday, November 16th, 2020

money-saving-piggy-bankThe weather in Florida is often weird. And during the winter it becomes more unpredictable. Handling home heating in Lacrosse, FL and other parts of Northwest Florida can be tricky. You may not have to deal with bone-shaking cold in your house, but trying to manage the temperature swings of the winter can cause energy waste over the season. 

We can help! Below we’ve outlined some best practices to make your heating as low-cost this winter as possible. 

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Troubleshooting an Electric Furnace

Monday, January 29th, 2018

cold-man-thermostat-handsIn this part of the country, we don’t see a lot of gas heaters. Electric furnaces do a fine job of warming up Florida homes (although we do recommend a heat pump to the energy-conscious Floridian instead). A major benefit to electric furnaces is that they are so durable, which is why it may be surprising when you notice yours has run into trouble, or won’t start up at all.

The good news is that you may be able to fix the issue, or at least get to the bottom of the trouble, yourself. We’ve got your guide to doing so below, but be sure to call in qualified technicians when you need them!

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Why You Cannot Afford to Put Off Heating Repair

Tuesday, November 19th, 2013

We concentrate on our air conditioning during our sultry Florida summers, and focus on heaters only when temperatures start to drop. That can entice some Gainesville, FL homeowners to put off heating repair for a time; for example, to limp through the winter and worry about repairs before the next heating season rolls around. In most cases, this is a mistake. Here’s why you cannot afford to put off heating repair in Gainesville, FL.

It boils down to stopping small problems before they get bigger, or to put another way, paying a little now to avoid paying a lot later. In many cases, a problem with your heater won’t necessarily shut it down; you’ll still be able to warm your home and “limp forward” until you can address the issue properly. The difficulty is that the faulty component – whatever it happens to be – invariably puts more stress and strain on the heater as a whole. That forces it to work harder to heat your home, which raises your monthly energy bills, as well as increasing the risk of another component suffering a breakdown as well.

It’s not hard to see how this scenario will go. You’re invariably paying more to heat your home as long as the problem remains in place, charging a “deferment tax” in exchange for not contacting a repair person immediately. Add to that the potential of a much larger repair bill, as well as a shortened lifespan for various components working under the strain, and waiting for repairs may end up costing you a great deal more than addressing the problem directly.

We all want to be frugal in these tough times, and that’s actually why you cannot afford to put off heating repair in Gainesville, FL. If you need to address a heating issue, call Touchstone Heating & Air to help you out. Don’t wait until next spring to handle your problems; pick up the phone and call us today, and save yourself money in the long run!

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